Holiday Traditions & Reflections

Some quick thoughts from Chris & Jamie

Throughout the month we send text messages to couples to encourage them individually, in their marriage, and in their faith. Below are some snippets that our text subscribers receive!

Christmas Traditions

We love simple traditions that help us connect at Christmastime. Below are a few of ours that might bless your marriage. Don’t feel pressure to do them all. Try just one, and it might even turn into a tradition! We included a link that explains each idea more in depth.

ONE THING - Each family member picks 1 thing they want to do for the holiday

CHRISTMAS BOX - Bless one another with small acts of kindness. Open Christmas Day!

BIRTHDAY CAKE - Decorate a birthday cake for Jesus on Christmas morning

ADVENT AFTER DINNER - Read a short Advent devotion after dinners

TWELVE 5’s OF CHRISTMAS - Carry 12 $5 bills with you. Pray for God-appointments with those in need.

COFFEE SHOP COMPETITION - Take a game to a coffee shop, enjoy a treat, and play together

CHRISTMAS LIGHTS - Drive-thru hot cocoa, Christmas tunes, and light displays!

Enjoy the full list here: CHRISTMAS TRADITIONS

Celebrate and Remember — Year-end Reflection

Oftentimes we do a poor job of pausing to reflect, celebrate, and remember. We move on too fast. Before December ends, Jamie and I take some time to answer these questions together. We invite YOU to do the same! 

Year-end reflection questions:

  • What are you celebrating from the past year? (i.e. what are you grateful for)

  • What was hard?

  • Where did you see God move? 

  • Where did you see your spouse thrive? 

  • How can your spouse pray for your upcoming year? 

Schedule a time before January 1st to reflect on the above questions, share your answers as a couple, then pray together for your New Year.


Daily Deposits for your spouse: Words