Daily Deposits for your spouse: Gifts

We ALL love a thoughtful gift! Getting a gift from our spouse activates pathways in the brain that release chemicals that signal trust, safety, and it connects us in deeper ways to the gift-giver. It doesn’t take a ton of money or even time! It just takes knowing your spouse, understanding what they love, and giving them a physical symbol that says, “I was thinking of you.” Don’t worry so much about getting the perfect gift. The fact that you tried is 90% of the impact! 


  • Think of their favorite color or team color and send flowers or a gift basket to their office for no other reason than to say “I love you.”

  • Set up a date with a friend they love. Plan a lunch or activity for them to do together (Go big and fly someone in or coordinate for someone to come to town who they don’t see often).  

  • Get your spouse’s favorite magazine and treat and have it delivered to their work and say, “I’m thinking of you.”

  • A bigger gift idea…Take your spouse shopping, buy a complete outfit and take them out to dinner wearing it.

  • Think of your spouse’s favorite beverage (coffee, tea, wine, beer, etc.). Tell them to meet you at a certain place during or after their work day and hand them their favorite drink. If time allows spend a few minutes to check in on how the day is going.

  • Send them for a massage, pedicure, manicure, or haircut, etc. Give them the gift of “caring for themselves.”

  • Buy 5 small gifts (Mon-Fri) and leave them on the counter with a short note so they find it when they wake up each morning. (Small things can be big treasures. Some of their favorite things could be a pack of gum, one favorite flower, a special drink, a gift card, magazine, a book, soap, lotion, etc.)

  • When the next book in your spouse’s series comes out order it early and have it delivered to your home or office with a note from you.


Daily Deposits for your spouse: Notice


Daily Deposits for your spouse: Touch