Daily Deposits for your spouse: Serve

See the need, do the deed.

For someone whose love language is acts of service, it fills their cup when their spouse initiates in this area. “Honey, is there one thing I can do for you today?” When you jump in and serve alongside your spouse, it creates deeper intimacy. 


  • When your spouse gets home, have their favorite show and beverage ready. Bonus: Make them dinner and give them the “night off” from regular responsibilities.

  • Pick one thing they normally do around the house (cleaning, cooking, yard work, garbage, pet clean up) and do it for them without them asking.  Leave a little note saying, “I did the ____ because you are so great!”  

  • Go wash and vacuum out their car and leave a note on the seat.

  • Ask your spouse to pick 1-3 “little projects” that need to be done around the home. Take care of all that week.

  • Ask this question every day for one week, “What’s one specific thing I can do for you, or take off your plate today?”

  • Watch your spouse every day as they serve around the house. Jump in while they are working and ask, “How can I help right now?”

  • Pick one project around the house that doesn’t normally get addressed (replacing light bulbs, dusting, defrosting the freezer, organizing cupboards or fridge, cobwebs in the garage, sweeping the back porch, scrubbing the base of toilets, cleaning baseboards) and do them without being asked.


Daily Deposits for your spouse: Touch


Connect Together Spiritually