Connect Together Spiritually

“Don’t give up meeting together as some are in the habit of doing.” Hebrews 10:24

Did you know? Couples who pursue their faith together report being happier in marriage.  

We all have great intentions to keep Jesus and our faith at the center of our lives and marriage. But the tyranny of the urgent and the path of least resistance can lead to God on the back burner. Oftentimes the “not-urgent” things in life are the most important! Getting a few positive repetitions with a new spiritual discipline together is all it takes to move from discipline, to desire, to dependence.  

What do we mean? A new discipline can feel, well… hard to start! But as you see some fruit after the first few repetitions, you begin enjoying that new discipline. Rather than the action feeling like a discipline, you begin to desire the activity, and you look forward to it.  After more time, the desire becomes dependence! Now, you “can’t not do it” and you long for the fulfillment that activity brings you. Discipline, to desire, to dependence! 

The most important not-urgent activity if your marriage is the pursuit of Jesus TOGETHER. Enjoy a few practical ways to connect spiritually each day, week, or month! These are not new or profound. They are simply common ways that lead to uncommon fruit. That being said someone has to initiate. Why not you? Pick one or two and start this month! Amen!

Connect spiritually daily

1. Reminders! Set an alarm on your phone each day.  Use it as a reminder to call your spouse and ask a simple question: “How can I pray for you right now?” Both share quickly. Then say a quick prayer.

2. His Word Last Word: Just before you turn off the light at night, have one person read a verse out loud. Let His Word be the last word of your day!

3. Car Prayer: Rather than zoning out in the car, pray for one another or things going on in your life. Again, just take 2 minutes. On this one you don’t even need to ask for a prayer request. Just start praying and pray whatever comes to mind out loud over your spouse.  God will pray through you!

4. Jesus Calling App: At dinner, pull up the Jesus Calling App on your phone and read it. It takes under 90 seconds and it’s a great encouragement with some short scriptures as well!

Connect Spiritually Weekly

5. Marriage Journal!  
It’s honestly been one of the greatest blessings of our marriage. It’s a GREAT way to connect, communicate, and serve. We do ours every Sunday at 8pm. Do this for 8 weeks in a row and you WILL see fruit in your marriage!

6. Church: Yup! The rhythm of gathering weekly in a multi-generational space to worship and hear God’s Word will fill your cup. There is no perfect church. So just lower the bar in your mind now. And if there is one, I will show up and ruin it! Ha! If you enter into a church asking, “God, help me to experience you, and hear you today.” He will speak! Even if the music or preaching isn’t perfect, go worship together, engage, and you will connect spiritually.

7. ACTS while you walk: Go through the ACTS of prayer out loud together on a walk.
Adoration (say words of praise about God, Who He is, and His Character). 
Confession (confess your sin to the Lord). 
Thanks (thank God for specific ways He has blessed you in the past week). 
Supplication (pray for things and people, that God would intervene).
As you walk and pray, God will move in you and between you. The ACTS rhythm helps guide the time. It’s powerful!

8. Read A Gospel Chapter and a Psalm: Once a week sit down with some tea by the fire or in a comfy spot and read the Bible out loud together. One spouse reads a Psalm, then the other spouse reads a Gospel Chapter. At the end of both readings ask: What’s one thought or verse that stood out to you? What does this verse tell us about God? What does it tell us about human nature? What’s one thing I might reflect upon or do from what we read today?

Connect Spiritually MONTHLY

9. A Half Day Away: Take a longer time together to spend with the Lord. Spend some time in a coffee shop doing personal reading, journaling, and praying. Go on a long walk together. Share a meal together. Examine and share together what you are learning in your faith journey, what your challenges are, and how you can pray for one another. Linger in this time and let God fill you up as you rest in Him together!

10. Friends! Connect with another couple who share similar values to grow in your faith together. Spend an evening and meal together. Ask these questions while together during the evening. What’s the Lord been teaching you as a couple? What are some current challenges you are facing in life, individually, or as a couple? What are some things you as a couple need prayer for? Then spend some time as friends praying over one another’s marriages and lives.


Daily Deposits for your spouse: Serve


Daily Deposits for your spouse: Words