Daily Deposits for your spouse: Words

Research shows a single positive word spoken to a spouse has the power to influence the expression of genes that regulate physical and emotional stress. On the contrary, negative words not only cause situational stress, but also contribute to long-term anxiety. Our words matter. One of the easiest ways to make a deposit with your spouse is through a quick text, short statement, post-it note, card, or voicemail that simply says “I see you, I love you, I’m thankful for you, I appreciate you, and you’re awesome.”


  • Set an alarm on your phone and text your spouse at the same time every day for a week and say, “One thing I love about you today is…”

  • First word, last word…See to it that the first words your spouse hears in a day and the last words he/she hears from you in a day are words of encouragement.

  • Text your spouse a song, poem, or quote and say, “I read/listened to this today and thought of you/us!”

  • Write out an encouraging verse or quote on a note card and leave it for them on the counter, desk, or in the bathroom before they leave for their day.

  • Write a note telling your spouse the top 10 things you love about them. Find a fun place for them to discover it. (Toothpaste drawer, inside the book they’re reading, or in a place they’d be surprised to find it!)

  • Write a love letter and address it to your home or their work. Getting snail mail is awesome!

  • Write out a prayer and leave it on the counter to find before they leave for work. (Or when they get home).

  • Write on a note card 10 words you would use to describe their character and give it to them.

  • Put a post it note in different spots your spouse uses (car, bathroom, fridge, their office, computer, etc.) telling them specific reasons why you love and appreciate them.


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