The SOAP Journal

Oftentimes when we read our Bible or pray we forget what we read or prayed before we close our Bible, we miss the potential applications from what we learned, and we wouldn’t know where to start if we wanted to share a thought from our time with Jesus. Wouldn’t it be awesome if there were a way to capture a thought or idea from our time in scripture that we could apply throughout our day?

Someone shared the SOAP Journal with me years ago and it has been a huge blessing throughout my faith journey. It’s simple: Scripture. Observation. Application. Prayer. That’s it! Again, it sounds simple, but the impact is profound! Below is how it works. Enjoy connecting with Jesus and filling your cup through SOAP!

You will need:  A Journal, Pen, Bible and Quiet Space
If you Google “SOAP journal” - you can purchase one!


Write the date, and then SOAP in order:

S - Scripture

Write down 1-2 verses that stood out.

O - Observation

Write down what you see in the scripture.

A - Application

Write down how this scripture applies to your life.

P - Prayer

Write out a prayer to God in response to what you read and wrote.


1. OPTIONAL QUESTION: Is there one thing you will do today because of what you just read? (Write it down).

2. After reflection, on the top of your journal, give your SOAP entry a title.


July 5, 2007
“Marching Orders”

Scripture: “What I tell you in the darkness, speak in the light, and what you hear whispered in your ear, proclaim on the housetops.”  Matthew 10:27

Observation: People have opportunity to share God’s word with others, but it’s in the places of quiet and alone-time where God speaks the words He wants to pass along.

Application: What a great word. This scripture reminds me to not only talk to God in prayer, but that it’s equally important to listen to Him in prayer.

Prayer: Dear Lord. Help me to hear you today. I want to be still that I may hear Your marching orders for my day, week and for my life. Speak to me Lord, I am trying to listen.

What will I do today from what I have read? This week I want to take a few brief minutes in my car and turn off the phone/stereo and listen to the Lord…


Praying the Scriptures Over your Family


The ACTS of Prayer: Connecting with Jesus