The ACTS of Prayer: Connecting with Jesus

The ACTS…L of Prayer 

So oftentimes we pray when we need something, or our prayer is a list of requests to God for ourselves or others. But a conversation with God is so much more! There are elements we miss in our relationship with Jesus when we interact with Him solely in a posture of asking. The ACTS of prayer take us through a process that helps us experience MORE of Jesus. Through ACTS we praise God, confess to Him, thank him, ask of Him, and we listen. As we converse with God on all these levels, it centers our hearts and quickens our ears to hear His Voice more clearly. When God speaks, that is when prayer is POWERFUL!  Enjoy the ACTS of prayer!

You will need:  A Journal, Pen, Bible and Quiet Space


1. Select a passage, chapter, or couple chapters to read from the Bible. 

2. As you read the scriptures, write down in your journal a few verses that stood out, that you can look back to as you write your prayer.

3. Write out the ACTS of Prayer in your journal.

A - Adoration

Write down praises to the Lord.  It could be a worship song, a psalm.  Recognize God for His character.  This is not a time to thank God, (that’s coming up), but a time to name and call out who He is.

C - Confession

Write down your confessions, where you have turned from Him, and ask forgiveness.  We are human and we all have misses during the day.  In fact, one of the definitions of “sin” is:  to miss the mark.  Confession is a time where we bring our sin in to the light before Jesus.  When we name it out loud, the sin ceases to hold power.

T - Thanksgiving

Thank God for all He has done in your life, where He has provided, and how He has answered prayer.  Be specific!  It’s amazing when you get rolling on all the things in your life there are to thank God for…  there’s a ton!  Also, when we are thankful towards God, it actually gives us a more positive and hopeful outlook on our day!

S - Supplication

Ask God.  Pray for friends, the world, your country, city, school, yourself, family, etc.  James 4:2 says “We have not because we ask not.”  Ask God!  It’s okay, be specific!  100% of the prayers not prayed don’t get answered.  Plus, as you have centered yourself on Jesus through the process of Adoration, Confession, and Thanksgiving, you are in better touch with what to ask God for.  It aligns us with His heart for people, ourselves, and the world.

and finally,

L - Listen

End your time by sitting in quiet, looking back over your scriptures and written prayer, and listening to what God says back. Ask God two questions: 

  1.  “God based on what I read and prayed today, is there anything specific you want me to know?   Pause, and sit quietly.  Then write down the first few things that come to mind.  Don’t overthink it.  The more you practice this simple discipline, the more clearly you will hear the voice of God.

  2. “God based on what I just read and prayed, is there anything you want me to do?”  If you hear an answer on this question, I strongly encourage you to go and do what He says!  It may not be easy or comfortable, but it WILL bear great fruit!


A  Lord God almighty.  I love you Jesus.  I praise you today.  God you are wonderful, awesome, and great. I love you Lord.  I need you Jesus.  You are my all in all. Lord God almighty.  You are Lord and I will trust in you.  I will trust in your provision, protection, guidance, and hope.  God I love you and I need you.  You are awesome.   

C  Lord forgive me for my sin.  Forgive me for my heart that still wants to justify doing my own thing…  God forgive me for my worry, for not trusting you with our properties, YL, friendships, family, finances…  God I am so foolish.  You have provided and always will…  Please forgive me Lord.  Please.  I love you and I need you.  I need your forgiveness to continue to sanctify this heart

T  God I love you and am so thankful.  My life is amazing with you.  You are so good to me.  I have so much to be thankful for..  health, family, wife, friends, ministry, mission, provision, a home, food, clothes, a car, and friends.  God you are so great.   I don’t deserve this life.  You are wonderful, and good, and awesome.  

S  God I pray for this week.  I pray for our first leadership meeting tonight.  I pray it goes awesome and that the power of your holy spirit would be present and reign on that place.  I pray that you would do a great work in the hearts of those there and quicken them to want to love and be loved through this mission.  God please…  Do an awesome work.  Bring girl leaders to Cheldelin, to LP, to other places as well.   God you are so good.  You are so wonderful.  Lord I give this week to you and entrust all I am to you.  May my decisions be a thank offering to you communicating my trust in you.  You are so good Lord.  I love you.      Chris

L  Lord what do you want me to know?  What Lord, do you want me to do?  

Today I feel like you are telling me to slow down, take a deep breath, and to stop worrying so much.  I am missing out on experiencing the joy you have for me because my focus is on worry and not on you.  Today when I get anxious, I am going to take that deep breath, and release my anxious thoughts to you…  I am going to say this breath prayer when I breathe in I will say, “Trust.”  As I breathe out I will say, “Jesus.” 


The SOAP Journal


Daily Deposits for your spouse: Quality Time